Annual Town Meeting


Tuesday, March 5, 2024 

Australian Ballot - 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Morristown Municipal Building - 43 Portland Street


At a special town meeting on April 18, 2023 the voters approved using the Australian ballot system for voting on all articles for the Town of Morristown.


All active voters will be mailed a ballot by February 14, 2024. Prepaid return postage will NOT be included. If you don’t receive one you or a family member can request one in writing, by telephone, email, or online at https://mvp.vermont.govThe latest you can request ballots for the Annual Town Meeting is the close of the Town Clerk’s office on March 4, 2024.  (Any other person authorized by you, who is not a family member, must apply in writing or in person for a ballot for you.)





  • Go to the entrance checklist table.
  • Give name and, if asked, street address to the election official in a loud voice.
  • Wait until your name is repeated and checked off by the official.
  • An election official will give you a ballot if you did not bring your mailed ballot.
  • Go to a vacant voting booth.


  • For each office listed on the ballots, you will see instructions to “Vote for not more than one, or Vote for not more than two, etc.”
  • Fill in the oval to the right of the name of the candidate you want to vote for.
  • To vote for someone whose name is not printed on the ballot, use the blank "write-in" lines on the ballot and either write-in the name or paste on sticker, then fill in the oval.


  • There is no exit checklist
  • Cast your vote by depositing your voted ballots into the vote tabulating machine.
  • Leave the voting area immediately after voting.
View in Google Maps

44.5624239, -72.5988051