
In order to create an account to receive email notifications for the Town of Morristown click on the Notify Me menu button on the right and follow the instructions listed below. 

Step 1

notification step 1

Toggle on one of the notification categories that you would like to get alerts for by clicking the button next to the mail icon.

Step 2

notification step 2

A popup will appear that will ask you to sign in or create an account. Click on the button.

Step 3

notification step 3

Click the link called "Sign Up"


Step 4

notification step 4

Fill out the information and click "Create Account" at the bottom of the page


Step 5

notification step 5

After creating the account you will be sent a one time password to your email. Enter in that password and select Verify.


Step 6

notification step 6

Once the one time password has been verified you will be able to go back to the notification management page and toggle on which lists you want to receive email notifications for.